Thursday, December 31, 2009

CakeBoss 2010 Released!

We are very proud to announce the release of the all new and improved CakeBoss 2010!

The new program was redesigned from the ground up, with easier installation, and many new features and enhancements, including:

Multiple photos attached to orders
Ability to schedule and record multiple payments
New reports like 'Shopping List' which lets you select a date range, and prints out all ingredients and supplies you need for orders in that time frame.
Master 'Material' list to let you enter all your materials like boxes, boards, dowels.
Master 'Ingredient' list with ingredient converter for common baking ingredients. So you enter into CakeBoss that your 5-lb bag of sugar is $4.29, and CakeBoss "knows" how much 1 cup, or 1 ounce, or 1 tbsp costs you.
Expense Book - let you account for ALL expenses, not just the cost of an order. Run reports to break down expenses by category.

Check out these screen shots, and come on over to to take the full video tour!

Dashboard shows upcoming orders, and pending and overdue payments.

Pre-loaded with over 100 common baking ingredients. Just enter the size package you buy (metric or imperial) and the price you pay