Friday, September 11, 2009

Anniversary Cake

My husband and I celebrated our 15th anniversary last week, and to commemorate the occasion, I re-made my wedding cake. You see, my wedding cake was bad. Not just "dated" in that 1994 way, but really, really bad. So ugly I was embarrassed to display it.

So, I made it again, only this time I made what I "thought" I was getting. There were rules: It had to be a 6", 8", 10", and it had to be on Wilton crystal-look pillars, just like the original. It had to be all buttercream, it had to have ruffle swags, and it had to have pink buttercream roses.

This is not my dream wedding cake NOW - of course styles have changed and my tastes are much different. But I think the 1994 me would have been pleased with it.

Ok, so I opened the door, what would be my ideal wedding cake now? Argh, I would probably go insane trying to choose just one design, but I do love this Blue Hydrangea cake by Jennifer Dontz. Of course mine would be in pink. Always pink! :)